like a movie. l like how you mixed the organic feel with some of the other synth you used. great work.
like a movie. l like how you mixed the organic feel with some of the other synth you used. great work.
unfortunatly film music is not a genre :(
wow i like it
i like how you put it together but maybe you should make it more you own style. hahah and where are the drums. that would be really awsome the brawl version with some nice drums :}
keep up the god work.
trust me i know XD, the problem is, i don't know how the drumset is run on my program, i would love to add the drums, but i either need to A. Study really hard on the program i have right now or B. Buy a new program. LUCKILY, i'm thinking about buy a new, BETTER program ^.~
nice fl beat
hahah those are like some of the best drum work iv seen with fl, i use it too and i can never get the right drum feel when i use it. anyways you did a nice job with this song, sounds really cool. you might want to see what i did with some of my song cause i use fl also. you might get some insiration. btw how did you make this drum beat. i understand the kick drum and snare but what hithat did you use and how or what? great work keep it up. i gave it a 5/5
thank you much for the kind words!
i used 2 different rides, the basic kick, and a basic snare, except i modded the pitch and volume.
ill be sure to check out your stuff!
its like jumping right into the hottub
my freind explains, the warm water feels good but you need time to get used to it at first. thats how he feels about drums in music. i agree with him and that kinda fits for this song. in my opnion if you wated to make this loop into a song or just enhance it, you might want to add a drum build up? other then that this loop sounds amazing, you did a great job. keep up the good work.
i kinda liked the drums man it added something more to the song. in fact that was my favorite part of the song. but hey its your song do what you want with it.
Thanks for the review. I am making a DnB song right now... with the demo version(look at the response below to see why i have demo..) but it sounds pretty good right now and I'll submit it soon.
Btw the reason the drums at the end are in there are cause I just downloaded some samples and decided to test them out in a channel and see what they sounded like.. I didn't know my comp was going to crash. Luckily I exported it as an mp3 before it crashed cause I wouldn't be able to remake when I reinstall FL..
sounds like some candy ass d n b
and i like it. sounds hella sick with the somewhat 8 bit beep sounds and the drums man keep it up.
i remember one of those same melodies from a video game.
anyways its a pretty good song.
and with this
your added to my list of favorite artist seriously amazing shit.
Thanks mate :)
hmm if this was any other song i would say that the drums no wait.... im getting lost in myself.
no its beatiful
thats what i want to say
i too feel happy when i hear this song. you my friend have done an amazing job.
i must know what program you use to make your drum beat
its simply beatiful
at first i stupidly mistaked it for something that could be created on FLS
please write me back.
amazing job!
Youre probably right about the drums, their a bit hollow compared to the synths and xyloph(f?)ones, I was just learning the 'basics' of Renoise and music making while creating this so I didnt had much of a clue how to solve that propperly.
I have only used Renoise for my music so far so yesh, this song too is made in Renoise.
Thanks for the awesome feedback (tho' I havent seen any negative feedback and any other than 10's in your feedbacklist ;] ) and I'm glad my song made you happy.
Thanks again dude :)
Music can do no wrong, only people can.
Age 35, Male
Joined on 9/2/07